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The pandemic disproportionately impacts women and girls, in profound and challenging ways. With upticks in gender-based violence, teen pregnancy, increases in poverty, and food scarcity, we redoubled its effort to continue addressing period poverty and menstrual health education. During lockdown, girls are most vulnerable and the support and access to sanitary supplies was a critical piece to combat hopelessness and isolation. We created a delivery schedule to cover as many villages as possible, ensuring women and girls continue to manage their menstrual health with dignity.

  • 82 girls prevented from early and forced marriage through our access to justice program

  • 42,900+ girls and boys successfully reached with menstrual health education in addition to 150,000+ sanitary pads distributed

This November 30, @GlobalGiving is giving away one million dollars to nonprofits around the world as part of their #MoveAMillion campaign for #GivingTuesday. Your generosity can help us unlock a greater share of those funds!

Together, we can raise 5,000. today! to donate click Warmly, Bukenya Muusa

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