We empower Women and Girls in Uganda
We provide women and girls with spaces, tools, and resources to enable them to participate effectively in individual and community development processes, thus strengthening the economic resilience of individuals, their families, and communities to lead successful and dignified lives.
According to the United Nations, 49% of people living in sub-Saharan Africa and 40% of people leaving in Northern Uganda live on less than $1.25/day. That’s not enough to pay for food, medicine, proper shelter or schooling for their children. Worldwide, 58 million primary school-age children are not in school; 60% are girls. Where we work in Uganda, public school is not free, and poverty is the leading cause of children not attending school. Learn more

"My life was a daily survival game, straining every nerve to provide and educate my children. Then came the day I joined the business skills training. With just a small loan of $60, my world transformed. This became my gateway to participate in business, pay for my children’s school, and gather a community of sisters. Most importantly, it gave me something invaluable: Confidence." Learn more
Empowering women and girls with knowledge about sexual and reproductive health and providing access to menstrual facilities is crucial for their well-being. We produce and disritubute affordable, eco-friendly, high quality disposable sanitary products, enabling them to attend school regularly and build a better. Join us in our efforts and make a positive impact on the lives of women and girls Learn more
"The moment I used a Lucky Girl Pads," Betty remembers, "it felt like getting a part of myself back. I finally had the confidence to speak up again." Betty received her first pack of Lucky Girl sanitary pads during a recent workshop. The experience was transformative. Now, she deeply understands many girls' challenges and wants to help. Learn more

We empower women and girls to take leadership roles and participate in decision-making processes. We believe in building grassroots structures that encourage the participation of every community member. Join us in creating a more inclusive and equitable society. Learn more

Hon. Catherine, a Woman Member of Parliament in Omoro District, recognizes the potential of women as natural leaders when equipped with the right tools. She commends VACNET, for continuous empowerment for women that has made them and advocates for change who actively participates in development programs. Learn more

Our Impact
Revolving Micro-Loans Disbursed
Women Trained in Adult literacy
Sanitary Pads Distributed
people served through 280 revolving groups
girls, boys, and women received MHM education
Women Trained in Leadership, 524 joined elective position