Adult Literacy Program

The Literacy Challenge
Northern Uganda is home to the country’s lowest literacy rates. Most adults are illiterate due to schooling disrupted by conflict, putting both them and their children at a disadvantage. While there are ostensibly a few government-run adult education centers that are supposed to cater to their needs, they mostly rely on volunteers or highly underpaid facilitators and are often barely functional. Many in rural Acholi also have poor vision or eye diseases that have gone undiagnosed and uncorrected, making it even harder to learn.
Our Solution
Literacy is not merely about essential reading and writing skills; it is about providing individuals with the capabilities to understand their lives and social environment and equipping them with problem-solving skills. Literacy, therefore, is a foundation of human resources development and is critical to alleviating poverty.
We operate 24 centers in remote villages designed to support people acquire functional adult literacy (FAL), a basic level of reading, writing, and calculation skills that enables them to meet daily challenges in life.

Adult Literacy Training
We offer basic training in adult literacy, child parenting, and nutrition to women in Gulu, Amuru, Nwoya, and Omoro District. Our 24 learning centers provide eight months of comprehensive training to 1,500 women annually. Our program includes essential reading, writing, and numeracy skills, as well as education on child parenting, nutrition, and family planning.
Women attend classes twice a week for 8 months. Twelve rural instructors whom the government trained are recruited to teach women
Women attend classes twice a week for 8 months.
Twelve rural instructors whom the government trained are recruited to teach women to read and write based twice a week for 8 months, they integrate areas such as food production, health, domestic violence, and family planning.
Women participating in the program mentored and inspired to participate and take lead roles in local readership.​

Our Impact
We have trained and graduated 6,230 women who completed both grades 1 and 2. All learners by the time they finished; they learned how to read and write, their self-esteem and confidence, improved participation in community meetings, improved business, health, and preventable diseases among children reduced and a reduction in domestic violence due to improvement in communication skills.

Stories Of Impact
Sumayya, a 42-year-old single mother of 3, shares her painful story: "I nearly killed my daughter by accidentally overdosing on her medication - all because I couldn't read the prescription properly."
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